Yesterday was utterly unproductive. *Sigh Spent hours fiddling with Word and Turnitin. Stupid Word. Kept reformatting my references when I used secondary citations.
A secondary citation is when you cite something that was cited in a paper/article that you've read. As in [3, cited in 1]. Word kept auto formatting it to ' [3,1]'. Sheesh. This is why am such an avid Latex fan. I've decided to keep using Endnote to keep track of my references. I can always take the bibTex output when I start writing the Lit survey - so no worries of compatibility there. And I can also just import the citations from google scholar (most of the time) - which is really useful.
So anyway around 3 pm yest, I kept hearing a voice in my head saying 'Need. Something. Sweet'...'Need. Something. Sweet'...'Need. Something. Sweet'
Original idea of an ice cream was chucked aside as highly lunatic and dangerous because, really who eats ice cream when its 12 C?
And moreover, who also seems on verge of a cold?
Right so then walked around the Agora - thus consuming more valuable time that I was supposed to spend reading about other peoples' wonderful research - trying to figure out which cafe to go into. Finally went inside one and then spent more time staring at the food items and also at two people of indeterminate gender who were making out on one of the sofas.
Aanyway finally decided on a hot choc muffin. Very nice and big for $2.50 too. Totally yummy actually. Definitely recommend a hot choc muffin with coffee on a cold afternoon. Mmmm...
PS- image from
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