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All those poor Pakistanis

Just imagine. No don't imagine. Life without Facebook?
That's beyond imagination.

Seriously though, Facebook is such an important part in my life that I'd be really pissed if someone decided to 'ban' it. I keep in touch with my friends and even some relatives through FB - esp since I'm halfway across the globe from most of them.

And most importantly would banning anything solve anything? Evidently all this started because some crazy woman in US started a group on FB called 'Draw Muhammad Day' - which, understandably angered the Muslim community in Pakistan.

But I really don't see the purpose of banning FB though. Demanding an apology from the demented woman - yes - but banning Facebook?
I saw somewhere that the ban is only till 31st May, but that just makes it even mind boggling.

Maybe governments just like banning this and banning that. I remember the Lankan gov going to such great lenghts to ban Da Vinci Code. The funny thing about that was - that ban actually prompted some of my Christian friends to get hold of a DVD and watch it - just to see why it was banned. And no, they did not feel insulted.


  1. A government have to ban this and that when people are too stupid to use those properly. In several developed countried, they have legalized Cannabis, because the people are inteligent enough to not to misuse the herb. But in a country where people are too stupid, they will have to ban scissors, knives and stuff :D


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