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7 Things About Me

Thanks to John, I have been forced to write this post...Anyway here goes:
  1. I love daydreaming. When I get bored at the office I look straight ahead of me and stare into the blank wall and pretend that there's a window and I can see a magical kingdom out of that window. There's always pink smoke...Hmm dont know why...
  2. I'm a Chocoholic! I love all things chocolate. My fav are chocs with nuts. And Hot chocolate! Yummm...Just imagine drinking a steaming mug of hot chocolate on a rainy afternoon...
  3. I am addicted to reading. I read and read and read. I cant stop it. I read in my room, in the car, in the bus, in the train, in the garden, at the dining table, in the bathroom, I cant stop!! Help!!
  4. I love playing around with ones and zeros aka programming! So I'm really lucky that I get to do that for a living...
  5. I hate fake accents.
  6. I still have a crush on Fox Mulder
  7. When I make cake I eat the batter. It has different tastes at different stages. Actually I enjoy eating the batter more than the baked cake 0 so sue me!


  1. Reading and daydreaming...You combine these two and you can have a wonderful wonderful life...It's so much fun

    People with fake accents should be shot...:D

    Another batter eater he he:D...Love that gooey, yummy stuff


  2. Woah! Positive hits on 1, 3 and 4! It's an awesome feeling to have when someone pays you to do something you already love.

    There seem to be a lot of chocoholics in SL. Every other person seems to be a closet case. Even my brother.

  3. azrael:
    yep! long live batter eating-daydreaming-readers!!

    heh heh! really? I actually know two ppl who absolutely hate chocolate. Its very advantageous for me to hang around them!!

  4. Stumbled upon your post on Kottu.

    I also share all of the things (in varying degree) you said, except I never had a crush on Mulder. :)

  5. I'm totally with you on 2,3,6 and 7...:-)


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