This is my last night at home for a long time to come. One last time to listen to the wind rustling the huge Bo tree infront of our house...One last time to watch the crafty kingfisher catch a little fish in the lotus pond in the backyard. One last time to sit at Ammi's feet and have her oil my hair... Yes - I am leaving home - and high time too I think! Enough of being spoilt at home and being a pain to my uncomplaining parents! :D Even though I have dreamed of this day, it still feels surreal. Can this be happening? Part of me wants to break away, and have my own adventure - on my own terms. The other part of me wants to lock myself in my room and hide in my own little world. As the wise and omnipotent Tintin once said (in Blue Lotus I think) - there is a rainbow in my heart today. Rain falls because I am leaving the two people that I love most in the world for a long time - and yet the Sun shines because I'm about to pursue my dream in a new land. To cut a long story short -...
Just some random arrows of thought...