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Showing posts from August, 2009

Not for Sale

My dreams are not for sale They are not on display Like cheap celluloid Popsicles With sugar coated dazzling gods... They were shaped by love And hope and hope of love Of truth and beauty and the beauty of truth Under uncharted skies On star sprinkled dusks Days that were so long ago On Once Upon Times When I still believed, When dreams were not dreams When anything was possible... Now the possible is replaced by the probable Hopes with pure statistics And innocence has been traded with Common Sense Because everything must make sense Calculated. Priced. Accounted for. And we have to be logical after all. And yet By the green of spring I repeat My dreams are not for sale.

Ode to Mundane Life

Do you ever get bored of life? I do! I am. Boredom is like leech that sucks your lifesap little by little. If I am this bored by 26 I can't imagine how people survive to be 40. Seriously! Yesterday I was so bored that I tried to find a way to hack Barn Buddy on Facebook. *Sigh. Yes I know it's sad. I really don't understand why Barn Buddy is so popular. You just plant seeds – add manure – and …wait. The only fun thing in the game is you get to steal crops from your friends. There are some pretty hilarious messages some people have set when someone's stealing. Best one I've come across is " Thova kotiyama kapiya " I guess the sheer number of Barn Buddy players just goes to show you how incredibly bored people are. *Sigh Everyday I wake up in the morning -6.30 on weekdays – and go through the same routine. Work has become a collection of routine tasks: Log in – check mail – open Ecllipse – check bug list – try to figure out why the damn thing is crashin...