I've done it! Ive read my first Dark Tower book! (For those of you ignorant people out there, Im talking about THE Dark Tower series by Stephen King) I went to the Book fair the day before the last day - loaded of course - on account of the First Salary (gloats at unemployed ppl) and boy was it crowded! It took 5 bloody minutes to walk 5 metres! And they didnt even hand out maps like earlier times :( So we had to wander aimlessly untill the book stall we wanted appeared in our line of sight... So anyway while walking around in Expographics I came across Stephen King and the Dark Tower series. Having been introduced to Roland the gunslinger and his Tower in Insomnia & Hearts in Atlantis , I was dying to read it. So I bought this one called "The Dark Tower: The Drawing of The Three" which is really cool. Yeah Roland is a cool guy. Intense but cool. I did NOT make the mistake of buying any programming books or books that are related to computers this time...The two HUGE...
Just some random arrows of thought...