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Showing posts from July, 2010

The heart knows what the heart wants

Cross roads – foot paths – highways. Decisions. Choices. Found in an FB status message – ~~ When faced with 2 choices, simply flip a coin… because for that brief moment when the coin is in the air, you suddenly know what you are hoping for ~~ The heart knows what the heart wants (also seen somewhere in the omniscient Internet, but I forget where), for after all, as someone quoted to me so many years ago from English Patient - The heart is an organ of fire . The head makes lists. Plans. Rules. Sometimes you let your head rule the heart. Sometimes not. Who knows what deep desires dwell in one’s own heart? A long forgotten childhood memory – a familiar face in a crowd – the glint of an eye – a stranger’s smile. In a heartbeat the heart overrules the rules. And then you know.